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Do you know the difference between your waste streams? Segregating waste on site is vital to the smooth running of any development and can minimise costs and maximise material recovery, particularly when allowed for at the planning phase of a development.

1. General waste

The remaining portion of the waste stream that is not recovered for re-use, processing, or recycling. May include soft plastics, food scraps, polystyrene, etc. This type of waste is destined for landfill: it is important to recover any materials possible prior to disposal.

2. Food waste

Food waste consists of unwanted or uneaten kitchen scraps that are easily compostable/biodegradable such as vegetable peels, fruit rinds, and coffee grounds. It is recommended this waste stream be composted on site or via a composting facility, rather than being sent to landfill.

3. Comingle recycling

Comingled recycling is a mixture of items including food and beverage containers such as aluminium, glass, steel, hard plastics, cartons, etc. They are usually sent to materials recycling facility (MRF) where they are further segregated for processing and treatment.

4. Paper and cardboard recycling

Cardboard and paper products are recyclable materials that can be reprocessed into new products. This waste stream is sent to a resource recovery centre for processing.

5. Green waste

Green waste consists of unwanted organic materials that are easily biodegradable and/or compostable such as lawn clippings and branches. Green waste is usually collected in council or private contractor bins and removed from site. Some larger sites such as universities and hospitals have onsite equipment to mulch the green waste for reuse in gardens, saving money on disposal fees, protecting the flora in gardens, and increasing water retention in gardens.

6. Electronic waste

Discarded e-waste, electronic components and materials such as computers, mobile phones, keyboards, etc. Due to the materials used to make electronic products, some electronic waste can be hazardous to the environment and thus careful consideration must be made when discarding this waste stream. Electronic waste should be collected and taken off-site to a resource recovery centre where the components will be segregated for reuse/recycle.

7.Construction and demolition waste

Recognising the increasing importance of responsible and sustainable materials management, each state and the Federal Government have outlined specific targets to clarify long-term goals and priorities. Such targets include increasing the construction and demolition recycling rate, increasing the waste diverted from landfill, reducing litter, and reducing illegal dumping.

Having a plan in place to manage these materials is crucial in any planning phase. To arrange a construction and demolition waste management plan, contact us today. For the ongoing management of a planned development, contact us for an operational waste management plan. Alternatively, if you are having issues with the waste management within your current facility, contact us today to discover how we can assist you.

So, what are you waiting for? Contact our capable team today and we can set up a meeting with you to discuss your waste management needs and how best you can be helped. We are eager to hear from you.